In layman’s terms, Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary.
This is significant because we as human beings would have been doomed otherwise. What we’re trying to say is, that mankind needed Jesus to redeem our souls through His precious blood. And as it is written, God would make the ultimate sacrifice for his Beloved.
“ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” — John 3:16 NKJV
If you go back to the Garden of Eden and study the fall of man, you will realize that from the moment that Eve, then Adam ate from the forbidden fruit, sin entered this world. Then, a legal supernatural transfer of power took place simultaneously. When this happened, mankind was destined for death, because the wage of sin is death. Something God never intended for his Children. As you may already know, God is the God of life, not the God of death.
But God had a plan!
He re-established His lineage through Abraham and introduced His law through Moses. The law educated us on what sin was and prepared the way of the Lord. Then after some time, the Messiah was born as God in the carnal form (Jesus Christ). Then Approximately 30+ years later, He redeemed the world by laying down his life.
Jesus did this by being a servant, through love and devotion to the will of His Father in heaven. Which led Him to be tortured, beaten, abused, and crucified. Ironically, the enemy was under the impression that by doing this to Jesus, that His plan of redemption would not prevail. As if killing Him would defeat Him, making Satan victor. Like the religious leaders of the time, many people thought that the Messiah would come in great glory and siege the strongholds of man.
However, our God is humble in nature and full of love and perfection. His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Perfect, sinless blood was required as payment for the sins of man. THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY!
“In this love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” — 1 John 4:10 NKJV
You might ask yourself, why would God let all this happen? The answer is simple!
God created mankind with free will in mind. He could have very easily made us “robot-like” from the beginning. You know 100% perfect and obedient. However, He loved us so much that He wanted us to be able to choose how we lived our lives and how others lived their lives. Ultimately, God just wants to have a relationship with us. And how can you have an honest relationship with someone if they are pre-programmed to do, act, and like a certain way? Where’s the authenticity in that? Who would want that?
But to be clear, God gave Adam and Eve a great advantage. He placed them in a self-sustainable land that flowed with milk and honey. The Garden of Eden had every animal, every fruit, every vegetable, precious stone, and mineral known to man. It had four major rivers in the garden that spread out in different directions to irrigate the entirety of the garden. This land was paradise on earth. Beyond that God literally walked with Adam and Eve and shared time in fellowship with them. God gave them everything and they only had one rule. Do not eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. As you know by now, they did and there were consequences to that decision.
Today, unfortunately, bad things happen to good people and good things to bad people in this world. As mentioned at the beginning of this article. There was a legal transfer of power when man first rebelled against God. That transfer of power is still in effect today, even as Christ is the victor! ‘How can this be’, you might ask. It’s simple…You must remember that God is the God of the living, not the dead. To obtain salvation, you have to believe in Jesus and do the will of His Father. Not everyone does this! Jesus drew a line in the sand the day he died on the cross. He made a clear and distinct division between the world and the spirit. Jesus died so that his children’s souls could be resurrected from death. This was done in the spirit realm and demonstrated physically. Choose salvation!
This is what Good Friday is all about!